#!/usr/bin/env sh ## ## Borrowed from rustup (https://sh.rustup.rs) ## ## This is just a little script that can be downloaded from the internet to ## install dfx. It just does platform detection, downloads the installer ## and runs it. ## ## You are NOT AUTHORIZED to remove any license agreements or prompts from the following script. ## set -u # A newline separated list of boolean flags. See the read_flags function to see how it's parsed. DFX_BOOL_FLAGS="" # Make a BOOLEAN flag and its description. # # Arguments: # $1 - The long name of the boolean. This will be used on the command line. The name of the # environment variable will be `flag_NAME` where NAME is this argument, capitalized. # The value of this argument is empty string if not specified, and "1" if it is. # $2 - A description of the flag. This is not currently used but will be when we have enough # flags to implement help. define_flag_BOOL() { local VARNAME VARNAME="flag_$(echo "$1" | tr /a-z/ /A-Z)" eval "$VARNAME=\${$VARNAME:-}" DFX_BOOL_FLAGS="${DFX_BOOL_FLAGS}--${1} $VARNAME $2" } # Get the flag name of a line in the flag description. get_flag_name() { echo "$1" } # Get the variable name of a line in the flag description. get_var_name() { echo "$2" } # Read all the command line flags and set the flag_XXXX environment variables. # # Arguments: # $* - Flags to parse. # Side Effects: # Environment variables are set according to flags defined and flags. read_flags() { # Set values from command line. # shellcheck disable=SC2199 # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2199 while [ -n "$*" ]; do local ARG="$1" shift OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for line in ${DFX_BOOL_FLAGS}; do [ "$line" ] || break IFS="$OLD_IFS" FLAG="$(get_flag_name "$line")" VARNAME="$(get_var_name "$line")" if [ "$ARG" == "$FLAG" ]; then eval "$VARNAME=1" fi done done } log() { if "$_ansi_escapes_are_valid"; then printf "\33[1minfo:\33[0m %s\n" "$1" 1>&2 else printf '%s\n' "$1" 1>&2 fi } say() { printf 'dfinity-sdk: %s\n' "$1" } warn() { if $_ansi_escapes_are_valid; then printf "\33[1mwarn:\33[0m %s\n" "$1" 1>&2 else printf '%s\n' "$1" 1>&2 fi } err() { say "$1" >&2 exit 1 } need_cmd() { if ! check_cmd "$1"; then err "need '$1' (command not found)" fi } check_cmd() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } assert_nz() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then err "assert_nz $2"; fi } # Run a command that should never fail. If the command fails execution # will immediately terminate with an error showing the failing # command. ensure() { if ! "$@"; then err "command failed: $*"; fi } # This is just for indicating that commands' results are being # intentionally ignored. Usually, because it's being executed # as part of error handling. ignore() { "$@" } define_flag_BOOL "insecure" "Allows downloading from insecure URLs, either using HTTP or TLS 1.2 or less." check_help_for() { local _arch local _cmd local _arg _arch="$1" shift _cmd="$1" shift local _category if "$_cmd" --help | grep -q 'For all options use the manual or "--help all".'; then _category="all" else _category="" fi case "$_arch" in *darwin*) if check_cmd sw_vers; then case $(sw_vers -productVersion) in 10.*) # If we're running on macOS, older than 10.13, then we always # fail to find these options to force fallback if [ "$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f2)" -lt 13 ]; then # Older than 10.13 echo "Warning: Detected macOS platform older than 10.13" return 1 fi ;; # We assume these will be OK for now 11.*) ;; # Big Sur 12.*) ;; # Monterey 13.*) ;; # Ventura 14.*) ;; # Sonoma *) # Unknown product version, warn and continue echo "Warning: Detected unknown macOS major version: $(sw_vers -productVersion)" echo "Warning TLS capabilities detection may fail" ;; esac fi ;; esac for _arg in "$@"; do if ! "$_cmd" --help "$_category" | grep -q -- "$_arg"; then return 1 fi done true # not strictly needed } is_zsh() { [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] } # This wraps curl or wget. Try curl first, if not installed, # use wget instead. # Arguments: # $1 - URL to download. # $2 - Path to output the download. Use - to output to stdout. # $3 - The architecture, used to determine TLS capabilities. downloader() { # zsh does not split words by default, Required for curl retry arguments below. is_zsh && setopt local_options shwordsplit local _dld local _ciphersuites local _err local _status local _retry if check_cmd curl; then _dld=curl elif check_cmd wget; then _dld=wget else _dld='curl or wget' # to be used in error message of need_cmd fi if [ "$1" = --check ]; then need_cmd "$_dld" elif [ "$_dld" = curl ]; then check_curl_for_retry_support _retry="$RETVAL" get_ciphersuites_for_curl _ciphersuites="$RETVAL" if [ -n "$_ciphersuites" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # $retry is intentionally split _err=$(curl $_retry --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 --ciphers "$_ciphersuites" --silent --show-error --fail --location "$1" --output "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? else echo "Warning: Not enforcing strong cipher suites for TLS, this is potentially less secure" if ! check_help_for "$3" curl --proto --tlsv1.2; then echo "Warning: Not enforcing TLS v1.2, this is potentially less secure" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # $retry is intentionally split _err=$(curl $_retry --silent --show-error --fail --location "$1" --output "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # $retry is intentionally split _err=$(curl $_retry --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 --silent --show-error --fail --location "$1" --output "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? fi fi if [ -n "$_err" ]; then echo "$_err" >&2 if echo "$_err" | grep -q 404$; then err "installer for platform '$3' not found, this may be unsupported" fi fi return $_status elif [ "$_dld" = wget ]; then if [ "$(wget -V 2>&1 | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d" ")" = "BusyBox" ]; then echo "Warning: using the BusyBox version of wget. Not enforcing strong cipher suites for TLS or TLS v1.2, this is potentially less secure" _err=$(wget "$1" -O "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? else get_ciphersuites_for_wget _ciphersuites="$RETVAL" if [ -n "$_ciphersuites" ]; then _err=$(wget --https-only --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 --ciphers "$_ciphersuites" "$1" -O "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? else echo "Warning: Not enforcing strong cipher suites for TLS, this is potentially less secure" if ! check_help_for "$3" wget --https-only --secure-protocol; then echo "Warning: Not enforcing TLS v1.2, this is potentially less secure" _err=$(wget "$1" -O "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? else _err=$(wget --https-only --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 "$1" -O "$2" 2>&1) _status=$? fi fi fi if [ -n "$_err" ]; then echo "$_err" >&2 if echo "$_err" | grep -q ' 404 Not Found$'; then err "installer for platform '$3' not found, this may be unsupported" fi fi return $_status else err "Unknown downloader" # should not reach here fi } # Check if curl supports the --retry flag, then pass it to the curl invocation. check_curl_for_retry_support() { local _retry_supported="" # "unspecified" is for arch, allows for possibility old OS using macports, homebrew, etc. if check_help_for "notspecified" "curl" "--retry"; then _retry_supported="--retry 3" if check_help_for "notspecified" "curl" "--continue-at"; then # "-C -" tells curl to automatically find where to resume the download when retrying. _retry_supported="--retry 3 -C -" fi fi RETVAL="$_retry_supported" } # Return cipher suite string specified by user, otherwise return strong TLS 1.2-1.3 cipher suites # if support by local tools is detected. Detection currently supports these curl backends: # GnuTLS and OpenSSL (possibly also LibreSSL and BoringSSL). Return value can be empty. get_ciphersuites_for_curl() { if [ -n "${RUSTUP_TLS_CIPHERSUITES-}" ]; then # user specified custom cipher suites, assume they know what they're doing RETVAL="$RUSTUP_TLS_CIPHERSUITES" return fi local _openssl_syntax="no" local _gnutls_syntax="no" local _backend_supported="yes" if curl -V | grep -q ' OpenSSL/'; then _openssl_syntax="yes" elif curl -V | grep -iq ' LibreSSL/'; then _openssl_syntax="yes" elif curl -V | grep -iq ' BoringSSL/'; then _openssl_syntax="yes" elif curl -V | grep -iq ' GnuTLS/'; then _gnutls_syntax="yes" else _backend_supported="no" fi local _args_supported="no" if [ "$_backend_supported" = "yes" ]; then # "unspecified" is for arch, allows for possibility old OS using macports, homebrew, etc. if check_help_for "notspecified" "curl" "--tlsv1.2" "--ciphers" "--proto"; then _args_supported="yes" fi fi local _cs="" if [ "$_args_supported" = "yes" ]; then if [ "$_openssl_syntax" = "yes" ]; then _cs=$(get_strong_ciphersuites_for "openssl") elif [ "$_gnutls_syntax" = "yes" ]; then _cs=$(get_strong_ciphersuites_for "gnutls") fi fi RETVAL="$_cs" } # Return cipher suite string specified by user, otherwise return strong TLS 1.2-1.3 cipher suites # if support by local tools is detected. Detection currently supports these wget backends: # GnuTLS and OpenSSL (possibly also LibreSSL and BoringSSL). Return value can be empty. get_ciphersuites_for_wget() { if [ -n "${RUSTUP_TLS_CIPHERSUITES-}" ]; then # user specified custom cipher suites, assume they know what they're doing RETVAL="$RUSTUP_TLS_CIPHERSUITES" return fi local _cs="" if wget -V | grep -q '\-DHAVE_LIBSSL'; then # "unspecified" is for arch, allows for possibility old OS using macports, homebrew, etc. if check_help_for "notspecified" "wget" "TLSv1_2" "--ciphers" "--https-only" "--secure-protocol"; then _cs=$(get_strong_ciphersuites_for "openssl") fi elif wget -V | grep -q '\-DHAVE_LIBGNUTLS'; then # "unspecified" is for arch, allows for possibility old OS using macports, homebrew, etc. if check_help_for "notspecified" "wget" "TLSv1_2" "--ciphers" "--https-only" "--secure-protocol"; then _cs=$(get_strong_ciphersuites_for "gnutls") fi fi RETVAL="$_cs" } # Return strong TLS 1.2-1.3 cipher suites in OpenSSL or GnuTLS syntax. TLS 1.2 # excludes non-ECDHE and non-AEAD cipher suites. DHE is excluded due to bad # DH params often found on servers (see RFC 7919). Sequence matches or is # similar to Firefox 68 ESR with weak cipher suites disabled via about:config. # $1 must be openssl or gnutls. get_strong_ciphersuites_for() { if [ "$1" = "openssl" ]; then # OpenSSL is forgiving of unknown values, no problems with TLS 1.3 values on versions that don't support it yet. echo "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384" elif [ "$1" = "gnutls" ]; then # GnuTLS isn't forgiving of unknown values, so this may require a GnuTLS version that supports TLS 1.3 even if wget doesn't. # Begin with SECURE128 (and higher) then remove/add to build cipher suites. Produces same 9 cipher suites as OpenSSL but in slightly different order. echo "SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0:-VERS-TLS1.0:-VERS-TLS1.1:-VERS-DTLS-ALL:-CIPHER-ALL:-MAC-ALL:-KX-ALL:+AEAD:+ECDHE-ECDSA:+ECDHE-RSA:+AES-128-GCM:+CHACHA20-POLY1305:+AES-256-GCM" fi } DFXVM_GITHUB_LATEST_RELEASE_ROOT="${DFXVM_GITHUB_LATEST_RELEASE_ROOT:-https://github.com/dfinity/dfxvm/releases/latest/download}" DFX_VERSION="${DFX_VERSION-}" DFXVM_INIT_YES="${DFXVM_INIT_YES-}" # The SHA and the time of the last commit that touched this file. SCRIPT_COMMIT_DESC="e6851226d34e0ba41d02a00194b00dc6a6479f9b" download_and_install() { SHASUM="$1" get_architecture || return 1 local _arch="$RETVAL" assert_nz "$_arch" "arch" local _archive="dfxvm-${_arch}" local _tarball_filename="${_archive}.tar.gz" local _tarball_url="${DFXVM_GITHUB_LATEST_RELEASE_ROOT}/${_tarball_filename}" local _sha256_filename="${_tarball_filename}.sha256" local _sha256_url="${_tarball_url}.sha256" log "Downloading latest release..." ensure downloader "$_tarball_url" "${_tarball_filename}" "$_arch" ensure downloader "$_sha256_url" "${_sha256_filename}" "$_arch" log "Checking integrity of tarball..." ensure "$SHASUM" -c "${_sha256_filename}" ensure tar -xzf "${_tarball_filename}" --strip-components=1 "${_archive}/dfxvm" ensure chmod u+x dfxvm ensure mv dfxvm dfxvm-init command="./dfxvm-init" if [ -n "${DFX_VERSION}" ]; then command="${command} --dfx-version \"${DFX_VERSION}\"" fi if [ -n "${DFXVM_INIT_YES}" ]; then command="${command} --yes" fi eval "${command}" } main() { _ansi_escapes_are_valid=false if [ -t 2 ]; then if [ "${TERM+set}" = 'set' ]; then case "$TERM" in xterm* | rxvt* | urxvt* | linux* | vt*) _ansi_escapes_are_valid=true ;; esac fi fi # Read flags. read_flags "$@" log "Executing dfxvm install script, commit: $SCRIPT_COMMIT_DESC" downloader --check need_cmd uname need_cmd mktemp need_cmd chmod need_cmd mkdir if check_cmd sha256sum; then SHASUM=sha256sum elif check_cmd shasum; then SHASUM=shasum else err "need 'shasum' or 'sha256sum' (neither command found)" fi need_cmd rm need_cmd tar need_cmd gzip need_cmd touch local _dir if ! _dir="$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null)"; then if ! _dir="$(mktemp -d -t dfinity-dfxvm)"; then err "failed to create temporary directory" fi fi ensure mkdir -p "${_dir}" ( ensure cd "${_dir}" >/dev/null download_and_install "$SHASUM" ) local _subshell_exit_code=$? ignore rm "${_dir}"/dfxvm* ignore rmdir "${_dir}" exit $_subshell_exit_code } ## output is one of the following, which correspond to part of the release asset filenames: ## aarch64-apple-darwin ## x86_64-apple-darwin ## x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu get_architecture() { local _ostype _cputype _arch _ostype="$(uname -s)" _cputype="$(uname -m)" if [ "$_ostype" = Darwin ] && [ "$_cputype" = i386 ]; then # Darwin `uname -m` lies if sysctl hw.optional.x86_64 | grep -q ': 1'; then _cputype=x86_64 fi fi case "$_cputype" in x86_64 | x86-64 | x64 | amd64) _cputype=x86_64 ;; arm64 | aarch64) _cputype=aarch64 ;; *) err "unknown CPU type: $_cputype" ;; esac case "$_ostype" in Linux) _ostype=unknown-linux-gnu # The only cputype we build on Linux is x86_64. # `uname -m` in a Linux Docker container on an Apple M1 can return aarch64 _cputype=x86_64 ;; Darwin) _ostype=apple-darwin ;; *) err "unrecognized OS type: $_ostype" ;; esac _arch="${_cputype}-${_ostype}" RETVAL="$_arch" } main "$@" || exit $?